Sunday, August 3, 2014

Spanish website MARCA photoshops photo of fans at Real Madrid vs. Manchester United game at the Big House

Really MARCA? Really? This is the best you've got? And yes- I realize 99% of the people reading MARCA are delusional because they assume everybody in the world will bow down when Madrid comes to town and becayse they don't pay attention to any other news sources, but this was pathetic. Did they get the fucking summer intern to do this photoshop job? You couldn't even find your own picture to photoshop, you had to rip the most viral photo of the game that was all over twitter and facebook and adjust that one? And you thought nobody would notice? You thought nobody would wonder why almost every fucking person in the crowd was wearing white and supporting Madrid even though the game was in fucking Michigan, thousands of miles away from Spain in a country where every soccer fan you meet is an ass hole United fan? Okay, got it.

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