Monday, August 11, 2014

Maradona slaps the fuck out of a paparazzi

Baller move by Maradona. You don't fuck with the king. Apparently this reporter didn't know that, but he sure as shit does now. You think Maradona is just gonna sit there idly by as he get's cuckolded by some 2 bit piece of shit paparazzi? You must be on Mars because there was 0% chance of that ever happening on earth.

Legitimately can't tell if the guy was actually making eyes at Maradona's girlfriend/ex-wife whoever it was sitting next time him, but you cant take chances in this type of situation. You see somebody eying your girl you have to come out swinging and ask questions later. Ask for forgiveness, not permission. Maradona knows what's up, and he handled this like a champ.

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