Monday, August 11, 2014

Eddie Johnson is taking no prisoners on twitter; BOOM roasts everyone in sight

Oh you think it's his fault that DC United lost 3-0 the other night? Lol, how many World Cups have you played in? That's what I thought, idiot, zero. He's not here to make friends, buddy, he's just here to be a mediocre soccer player and crush some losers on twitter. It's a tough life he leads, but I guess somebody has to do it. 

Eddie Johnson is like the washed up jock who still thinks he's the man because he was captain of the football team 20 years ago in high school. He's gonna ride that World Cup wave and mention it in every single conversation he has for as the rest of his life. "Oh I'm sorry officer, I was going 50 in a 35? Well I was in a World Cup so fuck you, my life rules."

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