Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Landon Donovan continues to poke fun at his exclusion from Brazil 2014; depressing downward spiral continues

Somebody needs to put Landon Donovan out of his misery. Why the FUCK does he continue to agree to all this extra publicity? Nobody is forcing him to be an analyst during the World Cup. Nobody is forcing him to be in commercials poking fun at the fact that he didn't make the roster for the team that he's embodied for the last decade. Does he feel like he needs to keep putting himself through this torture to prove that he really wasn't bothered by it? Because news flash Landon: your dead eyes and complete lack of charisma are kind of dead giveaways that, yeah, you're still a little upset at not going to Brazil this summer. And guess what? That's OKAY. I'd be pissed too. Just stop pretending to be cool with it and making all these light-hearted TV appearances. You're not fooling anybody and watching you put yourself through this is downright depressing.

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