Thursday, August 7, 2014

Three best touches you'll ever seen women take on a soccer field lead to a genuinely outrageous goal

Well, time to wrap it up ladies. Time to go home now and never play soccer again, because that right there was the pinnacle of your sport. Literally 0.0000000% chance you lot ever combine to make a better goal than that. That's the best yo will ever be, so you might as well quit. Perhaps the three best touches I've ever seen from women on a soccer field all on the same play, leading to one of the best goals I've seen this year. 

I think it's safe to say this is the first time I've ever been actually impressed watching women play soccer. MONUMENTAL day for the blog. 

Wait, what's that? It was against a Costa Rican U-20 team? Don't ruin the moment, let them enjoy this one.

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