Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cristiano Ronaldo stars in what is hands down the weirdest commercial I've ever seen (It's from Asia. Shocker)

Legitimately had no idea what the fuck I was watching for almost the entire commercial, and even after they said it was supposed to be some sort of facial fitness thing, I'm still not sure I get it. I couldn't even tell what language they were fucking singing in until I had watched the thing three times in a row. I guess it's a combination of a gag ball and an airplane thats supposed to strengthen your cheek muscles? And somehow whatever company started producing these fucking things somehow had enough money to get Cristiano Ronaldo on board to sell the product? And convinced him to get his actual fucking face live and in person to film a commercial for this thing? Absolutely mind blowing, but hey, if it gives me those high upper cheek bones like Ronaldo, sign me up. I'm all in.

It's actually a genius idea though. I always feel like shit for not working out, but it's such a fucking hassle to change clothes, go to the gym, work out, come back, shower, then be exhausted the entire rest of the day. It's a whole thing that nobody wants to deal with. Easy solution? Facial fitness. I can stick this thing in my mouth and bust my ass for 10 minutes and get a full fledged workout without even getting up from my computer chair. I feel great, I'm working out, and it's an efficient use of time. What's not to love? 10 minutes a day and before you know it I look like Cristiano Ronaldo and I'm picking up dimes at every bar I go to. Basically have to get one of these things now, right?

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