Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wenger pissed he fell for the CLASSIC coffee/gravy switcharoo prank


Hey, Wenger, learn to take a fucking joke for once. You're gonna send three of your best players home just for having some harmless fun? That's just some good old natured tom foolery. Nothing like some shenanigans to improve team chemistry during pre season. How about we lay the Buzz Killington act to rest for five minutes and try to enjoy yourself instead of getting your panties up in a bunch about some gravy in your coffee cup.

On a different note, I fundamentally don't understand how anybody could ever fall for this. Like how long would it take to pour gravy into a coffee cup? How long was Wenger distracted for and how did he not notice this? Or did he just try to drink out of a gravy boat thinking it was a coffee cup? The man's old, but he's not fucking senile yet. Bizarre story all around.

Like 65% this is all smoke and mirrors and this story is complete bullshit.

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