Monday, July 28, 2014

Well, at least Koeman has a sense of humor about Southampton losing 99% of their best players

Hey, perk up buddy. I know you've lost Lallana, Lambert, Lovren, Shaw, and Chambers, which basically amounts to ripping the still beating heart out of a side that looked so promising last year, but look on the bright side! It's must less stressful coaching in the championship! Just think, after trotting out your reserves for the next 9 months (since Southampton have inexplicably refused to reinvest any of the money they've received from these transfers and have bought 0 players to replace them) you can go back to the second division and chill the fuck out! Lounging on a hammock and Pina cooladas every day! Less pressure, that constant spotlight is off you, and big teams won't swoop in and buy all your good players leaving you a shell of your former self every transfer window. It's like every coaches dream!

p.s. don't look now but Schneiderlin and Rodriguez look like they're on their way out too... all aboard the Relegation Train! Choo choo!!!! Choo choo!!!!

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