Monday, July 14, 2014

The posters for the 2018 World Cup are out and they're cool as fuck

Kaliningrad? Saransk? Kazan? Could I get remotely close to pointing these cities out on a map? Fuck no. But do want to watch games in a city who's mascot is a snow leopard/griffin/pegasus hybrid? Uh yeah, sign me up immediately. How about a bunch of liquid humans playing soccer with the sun? Yeah that sounds okay to me. Will the tournament end up being as poorly planned and executed in Sochi? Maybe. Will there inevitably be tons of human rights protests and issues regarding freedom of speech and all the other bullshit that comes with hosting anything in Russia? Yeah, absolutely. But tell me these posters don't get you at least a little jazzed up already for the next Word Cup. Russia 2018! 

p.s. What the fuck happened to the St. Petersburg poster? The one recognizable city and they outsourced the art project to an intro to photoshop class at the local community college. Clip art making a 2014 comeback. 

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