Friday, July 11, 2014

Suarez officially transfers to Barcelona (Finally)

Well, the worst kept secret ever is finally official. It was all but confirmed when Alexis announced his intention to leave for Arsenal, but it's good to have confirmation from both clubs so people can start talking about something other than Suarez for the first time in the last month.

Do I mind Suarez going to Barcelona? Fuck no. Suarez is a win at all costs type of player. He's gonna give 110% and refuse to go down without a fight, which is something Barcelona has desperately needed since Puyol stopped starting for them. The four month ban is an inconvenience, but Barca recently have struggled most down the home stretch of the year, and Suarez will have had plenty of time to integrate by then. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'll take the guy who bites people over the guy who intentionally goes in to break someone's leg 100 times out of 100.

Only inconvenience is now I have to walk around with an extra pair of pants because the ones I'm wearing keep getting ruined at the prospect of a Messi, Suarez, Neymar front three. And with Iniesta and Rakitic right behind them? Prepare your anuses, Europe. Barca is going in dry.

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