Sunday, July 20, 2014

Liverpool are interested in taking Isco on loan from Real Madrid

I'll preface this by saying that Isco is a very good player, and that in a few years he'll even be a great player. He'd absolutely improve Liverpool and I think he'd be great in the Premier League if he can recapture the form he had back at Malaga.

That being said, are you fucking kidding me Liverpool? You approached Real Madrid for a LOAN option? We ain't talking about a purchase. We ain't talking about a purchase. We're talking about a load. A LOAN! If you want to return to being one of the big boys competing for major trophies you can't come crawling on hands and knees and start begging for other team's rejects! 

You loan players to lesser teams because you know they wouldn't touch the field for you, and you need them to get playing time. Big teams look for smaller teams where their young players could get playing time. Teams that just came second in the Premier League don't go groveling at the feet of a team that came THIRD in La Liga for a player that could barely touch the field by the end of the year! Be professional one time for me Liverpool. Approach to buy or tell Madrid to fuck themselves. Act like you've been there before, this is embarrassing.

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