Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Hey remember the adorable old man from Brazil's massacre? His name is Clovis Fernandes, and he's a ride or die mother fucker

Holy fuck was I relieved when I heard Clovis Fernandes had already seen Brazil win a World Cup live. Don't get me wrong, I still won't be surprised when he keels over and dies within the next week or so because his heart can't take how pathetic the Brazilian team were the moment they faced an ounce of adversity, but it's good to know he had some good times before that loss takes its toll. A ride or die bro like this doesn't take 7-1 losses lightly, part of me is surprised he hasn't already been in the news for committing seppuku at half time of the Germany game. For someone who's supported Brazil at 7 separate World Cups, he deserved more than to see his team and his country's moment of triumph turn into a national embarrassment, so it's good to hear he's been able to celebrate the good times in the past.

You know that feeling where everything in your life is leading to this one glorious, culminating moment and then that dream gets its dick stomped in by Germans 7-1 and your entire country riots and collapses in on itself? Where once there was hope and promise, but now their is only despair? Yeah, that's Clovis' life right now. And if Argentina wins the World Cup in Brazil on Sunday there is 0% chance this old man makes it alive to see Monday morning.

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