Friday, August 1, 2014

Ray Hudson's Dairy Queen commercial is beyond dissapointing

I'll admit I'm not the biggest Ray Hudson fan. I'll enjoy listening to him every once in a while, but he gets to be a little munch when you're watching 4-5 games on Bein Sport a week and you have to hear him cream himself any time a player cross half field. Great in small doses, but the guy gets old really quickly.

Anyway, what the fuck was up with this commercial? The whole point of Ray Hudson, and the reason he is such a legend, is because half the shit he says makes no fucking sense!! You want to bring in the most nonsensical color commentator in sports just to have him give this blizzard completely appropriate adjectives? Get the FUCK out of my face with that shit. I want to hear how the soft serve is like Lenoardo Da Vinci at an Ibiza rave. I want to know why the cookies need help like a fish needs a bicycle. Don't tell me this shit looks magisterial, tell me to set my gyroscopes and set sail for El Dorado. If I have any idea what Ray Hudson was trying to say by the end of the sentence, he's failed at his job. I want to be wondering what the fuck he means and what drugs he's been doing at the end of every exclamation! Give me confusion or give me death.

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