Friday, July 25, 2014

Frankfurt won't sign Bendtner because he posed (almost) naked for an instagram picture


Really Frankfurt? This is the reason you won't sign Nicklas Bendtner? Not the attitude problems, the ego, or the fact that he hasn't had a good club season ever? It's because he posted a PG-13 picture on his social media account? Bro, it's 2014, nudies are the norm now. More dick pics are flying across the interwebs than you can wave a stick at, and you're mad a potential signing showed two nipples and a little upper thigh on instagram? Seriously? This is so tame it's almost prude in today's world, so no, I'm not buying the indignant outrage. Time to grow the fuck up, Frankfurt.

p.s. I thought this was Europe? Nude beaches, titties flying everywhere in advertisements. How is this not fair game?

p.p.s. Confident soccer players have sex with lots of girls. Guys who have sex with lots of girls send dick picks and nudies. Ipso facto, if you want a good, confident, in form soccer player, you want him sending dick pics all the time. How am I the only one doing the simple math? The more nude pics the better.

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