Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fallaini shaves his afro... what an IDIOT!

What an Idiot! What a fucking idiot weird haircut seth Marouane Fellaini!! Hey bro! That haircut was the last good thing you had going for you. It was literally the only thing making you likable. He was a 27m pound flop on the worst Manchester United team in 40 years who spent the season throwing elbows and scoring exactly 0 goals. The 6'4'' monstrosity was brutally bad, but at least he had a funny haircut. Now he has absolutely nothing to distract from his shit play, and people are going to be forced to focus on how awkward the mean-tempered human giraffe really is. Brutal decision, where was his PR team when this decision went down? What a fucking idiot!

p.s. the Asians will be livid! Money down the drain!

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