Sunday, July 20, 2014

6 Shakhtar Donetsk players straight up refuse to reenter Ukraine after a friendly in France

The MirrorSix Shakhtar Donetsk players have refused to return to the Ukraine after a pre-season friendly in France, according to reports.

The players missed their flight back and are currently AWOL in France, reports Canal+.

Five of the six players have been named and all of them are of South American nationality.

The French network are reporting that the players are refusing to return to the Ukraine because of the political turmoil in the country, of which Donetsk is heavily involved.

The five players who have been named are Brazilian's Douglas Costa, Fred, Dentinho, Alex Teixiera and Argentinian Facundo Ferreyra.

Uhhh no shit? I'm honestly just surprised it took this long. Who the fuck really wants to play football in Ukraine? It's freezing, dank, dingy, and a little too close to Russia for comfort. Don't think many Brazilian youngsters dream of lighting up the ice-covered fields of Donetsk. Sure it offers champions league soccer and is a good stepping stone to some of the bigger teams in Europe, but you can only handle that bleak USSR life for so long. Best to get the fuck out when the window is open if there are better offers on the table.

You have to think that some of the players on Shakhtar were secretly pumped there was civil unrest in Ukraine. Nobody can blame them for wanting to leave now, right? I mean it's rare that a player demanding to leave a club that's paying them millions of dollars doesn't look like a douche, but they've got a perfect excuse now. Don't want their heads getting ripped off in the middle of a riot. Nobody can fault them, and they get out of the cold, desolate wasteland they were stuck in. Win win (All the people dying and rioting and having personal liberties infringed on in Ukraine aside.)

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